Humidity calculator for relative humidity, dew point, water vapor content and much more.
With the DKS humidity calculator, the parameters volume fractions trace moisture [ppmV], relative humidity RH [in %] and the dew point temperature Tdp [in °C] in the range -70 to +100 °C can be approximately converted. The maximum error is around 0.3%.
Humidity Calculator - Convert humidity measurand
Programmtechnische Umsetzung: Zhibo Zhou, Dresden
You will also receive information on:
- Absolute humidity ρW (in g/m³)
- Vapor pressure pW (in hPa/mbar)
- Saturation vapor pressure pWS (in hPa/mbar)
- Mixing ratio X (in g/kg)
- Water vapor content (in g/m³)
- Enthalpy h (in kJ/kg)
- Mass fractions ppmW
Quick start Guide
- First select the given value and confirm.
- Please enter plausible values in the input fields. Standard values stored as follows: T=23°C, p=1013.25bar, MGas (standard air: 28,0134 g/mol)
- Click on "Calculate"
- You will find the calculated values in the output area
Suitable moisture measuring devices for the trace range in inert, combustible and corrosive gases can be found here:
Trace moisture meters
Dew point hygrometers
Trace moisture meters
Dew point hygrometers